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"As the next Election Commissioner, I want to bring transparency, accountability, and efficiency to our commission so the political power of Hinds County can be maximized. We are the largest county in the state by population, so if we become more organized, we can shift the landscape in this state." 
Campaign Pillars 

The Hinds County Election Commission can conduct elections efficiently, but it needs the proper training and support to achieve this goal. I want to build our capacity by: 

  • Improving Communication with the Secretary of State around Election Procedures 

  • Ensuring that the commission has the necessary information to conduct elections

  • Working to improve  relationships with Political Party Chairs and local organizations

  • Improving  communication about precinct changes and  community involvement in elections 


From researching other election commissions and boards, I have a vision of how we can expand the services that the Hinds County Election Commission can provide. These expansions would strengthen our relationship with the community and aid in increasing civic engagement within our county.  They include

  • Voter Registration and Get Out To Vote (GOTV) Efforts  

  • Candidate Training 

  • Civic Education for K-12 

  • Increased Social Media Presence 

  • Voter Protection Help-Line 

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